It is important to have complete slope components data with respect to the maintenance works, a good geotechnical data collection programme is established. One of the important aspects is to gather the information of the slopes especially slope components data.
Geotechnical data collection is a method used to record the site conditions, design and construction recommendations. The importance of adequate site investigation and preparation of comprehensive geotechnical data collection cannot be over emphasized. Reliability of the information contained in geotechnical data collection has a strong influence on design, construction, project cost, safety and resolution of contractual disputes and hence the report must be clear, concise and accurate.
Inadequate geotechnical data are many a times source of costly, over designed foundations, project delays, disputes, claims, and project cost overruns. Lack of adequate information from the geotechnical data reports may sometimes lead to unefficient excavation for founding depths and hence an uneconomical design of foundation and others.